more about BTVGC
Bridford and Teign Valley Garden Club committee
Chair - Paul French
Secretary - Chris Rosenbloom
Treasurer - Mike Rosenbloom
Membership Secretary - Saul Ackroyd
Committee Members - Hibly Woods,
Jo Macdonald, Joseph Dunkley, Lorraine Hart, Jan Traylen.
The Bridford and Teign Valley Garden Club meet at least once a month throughout the year. In the winter months we meet in the afternoon at The Teign Valley Community Hall in Christow for a talk or demonstration, and in the summer months we visit gardens of interest, usually meeting up at 2:30 pm for a tour of the garden followed by tea. The dates of visits vary according to when the various gardens are open but full details are announced monthly in Teign Unity and full details are provided in a regular Newsletter.
We also hold a bi-annual Plant Sale in the spring and a Summer Gathering in the form of a party every year. At this time members take part in informal competitions to win a number of cups.
Membership is drawn from all around the Teign Valley and beyond. Visitors and new members are always welcome. The annual subscription is £6.00 per person.
A note about this website: underlined words (sometimes blue) are links to helpfull websites such as The National Garden Scheme. The page 'Our Programme' has links to gardens for directions etc. Most of the gardens we have visited have clickable titles along with some of the smaller photos which will enlarge when clicked.
For further information please ring the Membership Secretary, Saul Ackroyd on 01647 252761 or send us a message using 'Contact Us' at the foot of the home page.